Charming Is His Name

You are like
a charm dangling
down on my cleavage,
I dream of you
and when I wake
I close my eyes
to dream the
dream again
I feel your lips,
they rest on
mine and move
in a swirl, we
are in a whirl
of passion, like
a fierce wind;
My breast are
pressed against
your chest; I
feel your heart
beating; calling
mine in rhythm
We begin to
dance slow, 
as you move
in deeper, my
hips dance with
you; I moan in
pleasure; my toes
erect, my head
tilts, drops of
sweat fall on
my breast; we
are like roots
entwined in body,
as you lay upon
my skin, and our
silk fluid meets
for the first time.



By. Vanessa Ramos


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Saturday, February 11, 2012 - 22:18

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