Daydreaming In Art #6

He remembered her laughter at the pub.
Bill the bartender had said men swarm over her.,
comparing that notion to a colony of bees.

Oscar wondered if his mother was like them,
his memory of her was in bits of pieces., but
if she cared for him at all, why did she
disappear from his life.

What the old man told him about her
stuck in his head un-erased, he wanted
to know the truth, his father lived
a life of lies and deceit, a man who
lived only to please self.

Long red hair, hazel eyes and an angelic
smile was the face he remembered
as a child., and still as a man yet
her laughter similar to the other women
he would still hate.

Jenna is my angel now, thought Oscar,
she resembled the little he knew of
his mother; described by Bill.

Lack of motivation kept the artist
from painting, at times, days would
pass and all he did was wonder if
he could go thru with his plan,
to finish Jenna and marry her, and
looking for the slightest imperfection
to give reason to put her away.


Vanessa Ramos

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011 - 14:26

Poesia :

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