I want my voice to reach you

I want my voice to reach you.
Can you hear me?
Can you feel my emotions?
I know people can be
physically  close to us,
but, most of the times,
they don't know our hearts.
Does my voice affect you?
You don't have to look at me.
Just stop it now and feel my breath.
My heart has beaten so anxiously,
that I'm afraid it stops.
Can your ears hear my voice?
I want my voice to reach you.
Then, you'll know my emotions,
understand my feelings
and learn how to deal with me,
talk to me and reach my soul.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012 - 20:20

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 37 weeks ago
Joined: 03/21/2011
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