Infectious Love

we are divided
by the traveling seas
the waves embrace
and move finding
a place to rest

the oceans aquarium
shows off the offspring
of their lovemaking

we are divided
by the ever changing sky
that welcomes
feathered friends

they land to
seek a mate
and fly high
so why can't
i have the same
effect, what makes
these types special
that they can fly
or swim to the
destiny they choose

not a cent to pay
to be with the
one they please

I never thought
it could happen
to me

the fool in me
attacked by love

the airmail was
a part of the seal
I wanted the ink
to stain your blood
and blend in your heart

in my eyes you
lived in the future
I in the past,
the difference in
time led me to
believe that one
day I could catch
on like the sun
does to my eyes
and won't let go

this so I could
live in the same time zone
with you

silly of me to think
as I do what I would give
for someone to show
me the path to love

I feel senile now, aging
faster than lightening
and loveless

my question is
how do I get rid
of this infection?

© vanessa ramos. All rights reserved,

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Sunday, May 18, 2014 - 20:44

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