North Star

Let me be your day light
You will look at things
you miss in early spring
How summer sun's change our
skin from pale to a warm brown

Let me be the nights glow
where you can see
a color wheel of enchant

Let me be the one
to show you lavender shades
of change in the sky’s demeanor

Take a look through my eyes
at wheat fields blowing in fall
and the mountains yonder wearing
their white snow caps

Through the looking glass
of your mind phenomenal winter
snowflakes will be in sight

Don’t miss out on hopes
you dream about with open eyes
On each day there is a reborn
and new birth of things

Let me be your eyes in mine
The North Star in your eyes
Even though you’re sightless
mine will be your daily guide


By. Vanessa Ramos

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Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 13:01

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