Parce mihi Domine, from Cristóbal de Morales - 1500-1553 (Jan Garbarek & The Hilliard Ensemble)

From the Album "Officium". Track "Parce Mihi Domine" (Christóbal de Morales, 1550-1553, Spain). Recorded at Propistei St. Gerold, Austria (Sept. 1993). "Parce mihi Domine" is from the vulgate translation of the book of job and nearly means "Spare me, O Lord." The whole text is beautiful and Morales has created a truly transcendent piece here, very much ahead of his time.

Pictures are taken from one of the best movies ever made: "The Last Temptation Of Christ" (1988, Martin Scorsese). First I wanted to use the original Soundtrack "With this Love" from Peter Gabriel. A superb piece of music and in my opinion one of the best soundtracks ever made for a movie which fits much better to these pictures. But the original audio track is blocked by Youtube. So I hope you will enjoy it anyhow with the outstanding music of Jan Garbarek. Listen & Enjoy it.


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Viernes, Septiembre 2, 2011 - 02:49

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