The best

You can always do the best,
never think you can't.
When you want to do something,
be sure you can give the best of yours.

We all are capable, smart and strong.
nobody is weak, fool or useless.
If we can learn, it's a sign 
we can always be better
and do the best.

I want to do my best, 
because I know I have
much strength and beauty
inside me, waiting to get out.

Today, you can do better
than you did yesterday.
In any effort of yours, 
do the possible to do your best.

I want to do my best for you,
for me and for our lives,
because I know we have
much beauty and love to share.

So, have no doubt, you
can always do the best,
if you believe, if you want,
if you try.

Submited by

Jueves, Agosto 30, 2012 - 19:58

Poesia :

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Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 46 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
Points: 2453

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