You've killed my peace

Don't stay here,
for you've killed my peace,
smashed my illusions
and hurt my soul.

How can you say
that you want my
You've killed  my peace,
making my heart bleed
and my eyes cry
so deeply.

Oh', I've tried
to make you see
I'm capable,
I can fly,
but you've never
valued me.

You've killed my peace,
withouth paying attention
to my feelings.

Everything I want 
is to go away
from you, because
you've killed my peace.

Submited by

Miércoles, Julio 10, 2013 - 13:30

Poesia :

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Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 50 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
Points: 2453

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