
Nobody is invulnerable.
We'll be hurt many times
and when we fall over,
who will help us?

I know I can't explain
why so many people
will mean to harm us
even without any reason.

I can just tell you:
all we can do is
try to get strong
and follow our path.

We don't want to be
like another persons we see,
that are always complaining
about what life has become
and what it could have been.

We are so afraid of
someday in our future
look back the past
and ask what happened
what mistakes we made.

That is why, my friend,
I can just tell you:
all we can do is
try to get strong
and follow our path.

Anything may happen,
we can't always control life.
but we can try to get strong
and follow our path.

Submited by

Jueves, Julio 9, 2015 - 13:42

Poesia :

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Last seen: Hace 7 años 46 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
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