The afternoon


Distant mountains,
mountains and hills
can, in the distance,
mark the horizon.

The sun feel in them
its own obstacle,
that hid your light,
that dims its shine.

But sun and mountains
make up the magic
in the red lights
of the end of my day.

And the sun behind the hills,
in colors that burn,
are bloodstains
in the afternoon robes.

sorry for my mistakes
I do not speak English
It was an attempt

Submited by

Domingo, Mayo 15, 2016 - 20:09

Poesia :

Sin votos aún

J. Thamiel

Imagen de J. Thamiel
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 4 días 17 horas
Integró: 05/02/2016
Points: 4134

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