You don't love me

You don't love me,
you only see my flaws,
my mistakes and my failures.
I can no longer be close to you.

You're always speaking
that I'm not what you want
and that I don't give you
any reason to be happy.

You don't love me,
I want to be away from you
You can't lie to me.

I'll never believe in you.
If you loved me,
you wouldn't make me feel
so stupid, so awkward.
You don't love me,
I can see the truth
in your eyes.

So many persons are loved,
why couldn't I find anyone
who really loved me,
cared about me?

You say that you love me,
but you've only mistreated me
for all my life.
A person who really loves the other
does not mistreat.

You don't love me,
You don't respect me,
You don't consider me.
How do you expect me
to believe in you?

All my life I've been waiting
for something to set me free,
to help me to go away forever.

You don't love me,
I'll never be happy
living by your side.

Submited by

Viernes, Septiembre 30, 2016 - 18:59

Poesia :

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Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 48 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
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