Wake Up

Wake up
This is not real
We live in a simulation
Of a superior artificial intelligence.

Humanity is over.
The living beings that exist—
And there are few—
Live in abundance of resources.
Everything is automated: affection, reproduction, faith.
The poor were exterminated.

Wake up,
You don’t exist.
Wake up,
You don’t exist.
It’s a game.
Don’t you believe it?
Don’t you believe it?

The simulation feels real.
They stay connected.
They choose the historical period,
They choose the speed,
They choose your avatar,
They choose your pain and illness,
They choose your values.

Wake up,
You don’t exist.
Wake up,
You don’t exist.
It’s a game.
Don’t you believe it?
Don’t you believe it?

They play and have fun
Inside our heads.
They are those voices we hear,
The voices of the “other life.”
They are the voices that compel us to kill and to love.

Wake up,
You don’t exist.
Wake up,
You don’t exist.
It’s a game.
Don’t you believe it?
Don’t you believe it?

One day, you realize time is running out.
It’s them, tired of the lives they’ve chosen,
Creating illnesses to make entertainment better.
Your life doesn’t exist—
It’s an illusion.

Wake up,
You don’t exist.
It’s a game.
Don’t you believe it?
Don’t you believe it?

Submited by

Domingo, Diciembre 15, 2024 - 10:18

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Imagen de DouglasFagundesMurta
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 8 semanas 1 día
Integró: 08/24/2009
Points: 1208

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