Walt Whitman - I Hear It Was Charged Against Me

I hear it was charged against me that I sought to destroy institutions,
But really I am neither for nor against institutions,
(What indeed have I in common with them? or what with the
destruction of them?)
Only I will establish in the Mannahatta and in every city of these
States inland and seaboard,
And in the fields and woods, and above every keel little or large
that dents the water,
Without edifices or rules or trustees or any argument,
The institution of the dear love of comrades.

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Sábado, Abril 9, 2011 - 14:54

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Walt Whitman

Imagen de Walt Whitman
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 48 semanas
Integró: 04/08/2011
Points: 849

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