Anacreon Poems : Here Recline You, Gentle Maid

Here recline you, gentle maid,
Sweet is this imbowering shade;
Sweet the young, the modest trees,
Ruffled by the kissing breeze;
Sweet the little founts that weep,
Lulling bland the mind to sleep;
Hark! they whisper as they roll,
Calm persuasion to the soul;
Tell me, tell me, is not this
All a stilly scene of bliss?
Who, my girl, would pass it by?
Surely neither you nor I!

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Domingo, Abril 17, 2011 - 17:44

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Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 44 semanas
Integró: 04/15/2011
Points: 153

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