Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poems : Cheerfulness Taught by Reason

I THINK we are too ready with complaint
In this fair world of God's. Had we no hope
Indeed beyond the zenith and the slope
Of yon grey blank of sky, we might be faint
To muse upon eternity's constraint
Round our aspirant souls. But since the scope
Must widen early, is it well to droop,
For a few days consumed in loss and taint?
O pusillanimous Heart, be comforted,--
And, like a cheerful traveller, take the road--
Singing beside the hedge. What if the bread
Be bitter in thine inn, and thou unshod
To meet the flints?--At least it may be said,
"Because the way is short, I thank thee, God!"

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Sábado, Mayo 7, 2011 - 01:08

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Imagen de Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 48 semanas
Integró: 04/27/2011
Points: 228

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