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THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON Featurette - "Meet The Wolfpack"

Watch a behind-the-scenes featurette from THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON. In theatres November 20, 2009.

In the second installment of Stephenie Meyers phenomenally successful TWILIGHT series, the romance between mortal and vampire soars to a new level as BELLA SWAN (Kristen Stewart) delves deeper into the mysteries of the supernatural world she yearns to become part of—only to find herself in greater peril than ever before. With more of the passion, action and suspense that made TWILIGHT a worldwide phenomenon, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON is a spellbinding follow-up to the box office hit.

Submited by

terça-feira, dezembro 8, 2009 - 01:19

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