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Angel of Mercy (Maurice Gibb & Samantha Gibb)

Angel Of Mercy

Today I saw the sun
To rise to fall but can you forgive me
I sail upon this mortal storm
And hearts that cry and love is to leave me

We're miles apart
I know my aim is true
It keeps this flame from dying
I just stay alive

Angel of mercy
I know that I'll find you
So it's to my God in heaven that I pray
We can fly away

The voice is on the wind
I steal the stars, the course I must follow
No space or time, no sleep the soul
It lies awake, it craves to be near you

It drives me on
I know my aim is true
It keeps my flame from dying
We might live again
Angel of mercy
I know that I'll find you
So it's to my God in heaven that I pray
We can fly away

Sailing on a sea of gold
Where silver wings of angels go
I can see a million miles
That love goes on forever

Write a letter in the sand
That only lovers understand
And when the words are said and done
That we must come together

Sailing on a sea of gold
Where silver wings of angels go
I can see a million miles
That love goes on forever

Submited by

quarta-feira, setembro 7, 2011 - 23:02

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 6 anos 47 semanas
Membro desde: 10/29/2009
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