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Lo que mas quiero, de Violeta Parra (Isabel Parra)

Lo que mas quiero

Violeta Parra

Singer: Isabel Parra

El hombre que yo más quiero,
en la sangre tiene hiel.
Me priva de su plumaje,
sabiendo que vá a llover.

El árbol que yo más quiero,
tiene dura la razón.
Me priva de su fina sombra,
bajo los rayos del sol.

El cielo que yo más quiero,
se ha comenzado a nublar.
Mis ojos de nada sirven,
los mata la osbcuridad.

El rio que yo más quiero,
no se quiere detener.
Con el ruido de sus águas,
no escucha que tengo sed.

Sín abrigo, sín la sombra,
sín el água, sín la luz.
Sólo falta que un cuchillo,
me prive de la salud.

Violeta Parra was one of the leaders in the Chilean folk song renewal or cancion nueva movement of the 1950s-60s. Her songs, along with those of Victor Jara, played a significant role in the popular movement which would bring Allende to power before the military crushed the democratically elected government.
Violeta Parra was not only a composer and song writer, but an accomplished artist and weaver. She was born on October 4,1917 the daughter of a school teacher and seamstress. Coming from an unusually talented family which numbered several musicians, artists and poets, she began life singing at fairs and circuses until she was discovered by the poet Pablo Neruda in the late 1950s. Her compositions and their lyrics combine Andean elements. Her performances generally also included the use of Andean intruments. Violeta Parra died in 1967. Her songs and compositions are included today in the repetoire of singers and musicians from all over the world.

Violeta Parra was the first Latin American to have one-person exhibit at the Louvre

"La letra de esta canción es de Violeta Parra, la música es de su hija Isabel y la que canta se llama María A. Mejía, del duo Atacama."

Submited by

domingo, setembro 25, 2011 - 16:10

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