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I'll be here

Sometimes the life
looks so bad,
that makes we think
we'll never be happy.

But you can't feel
you are a loser,
you must remember
you're strong.

And, my friend,
don't forget,
if you need,
I'll be here.

I'll be here
to tell you
you're special,
you're important.

I'll be here 
to show you
there's much happiness
waiting for you.

You can win the problems,
they can't prevent you
from reaching your dreams.

You'll find the answers
and the strength inside you.

When you feel alone,
don't worry, call me,
no matter the distance,
I'll be here.

I'll be here to make
you see love isn't
an illusion, love is real.

If you need, call me,
call me, I'll be here.

I'll be here, I'll be here...

Submited by

quinta-feira, setembro 6, 2012 - 10:28

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Membro desde: 03/21/2011
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