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When I am alone

When I am alone,
I can fly and dream
about the places 
I'd like to go.

When I am alone,
I am just who I am,
free and strong,
contemplanting the stars.

When I am alone,
nobody tells me what to do,
where I must go and 
how should I behave.

When I am alone,
I can dance and 
turn around myself,
thinking I'm in paradise.

When I am alone,
I only please myself,
because there isn't 
anybody close to me
wanting to hold me.

When I am alone,
I am not afraid of anything,
anybody, any danger .

When I am alone,
there's no limit,
no disturbance,
no people who 
want to sacrifice me.

When I am  alone,
there's only me
and the darkness,
which protects me.

Submited by

domingo, outubro 7, 2012 - 11:07

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