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How can we know the truth

We need to know the truth
about the world and
about ourselves,
because we can't 
stay without perceiving
how the world works
and who we can be.

But we've been told lies.
We've been forced to
accept lies and 
forbidden to thinks
for ourselves.

So, how can we know the truth?
How can we discover the
richness and beauty in 
every human soul,
if we've been pushed
to live in prejudice,
blinded by lies?

It's urgent to 
stop believing
blindly everything
that has been told us.

We can think freely,
we have been born
to think, to feel.

How can we know the truth
if we don't use our
heads to think?

Submited by

domingo, setembro 15, 2013 - 15:31

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Membro desde: 03/21/2011
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