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Nobody can choose for us

There are too many paths
that we see before us,
making we have doubts
about the right one.

You aren't alone in
your questions. 
Know that I have 
doubts too. The
struggles are so huge,
it is so difficult to
make up our minds.

But we need to go on,
because it is our life,
it is our path,
nobody can choose for us.

Anyway, someday,
we'll have to decide
and choose a path to follow,
nobody can choose for us.

After making up our minds,
we cannot come back.
We must face what we find.

It is our life,
it is our path,
nobody can choose for us.

Submited by

terça-feira, julho 14, 2015 - 18:31

Poesia :

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Membro desde: 03/21/2011
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