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Any advice

I'm not the only one
who has felt alone
all these years.
And you know well
nothing can kill the pain
that is devouring us inside.

You don't know my sorrow
I don't know yours.
So I won't give 
you any advice.

It's not worth
listening to the voices
of those who have never
known what  we've
been through.

I don't want any advice
That's why I search the silence
and avoid the people
who speak too much
but will never hear me.

You don't know my sorrow
I don't know yours.
So I won't give you
any advice.

Who needs an advice
given by someone
who doesn't really 
know our struggles
and the hell we've crossed?

That's why I won't
give you any advice.

Submited by

sábado, setembro 12, 2015 - 10:09

Poesia :

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Membro desde: 03/21/2011
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