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Deborah (Jon Anderson & Vangelis)

Jon And Vangelis

I read your letter, I got it just the other day...
You seem so happy, so time melts away
It's such a pleasure, to see you growing
And how you sending your love to the air today

I think of Heaven...each time I see you walking there
And as you're walking, I think of children everywhere
It's in your star growing stronger
I can't believe good to care

Thru enchantment, into sunlight
Angel's touch...your eyes...
Your surprise
Is this your first life...?
It seems as though you have live before
You help me hold on...
You have a heart like an open door
You sing so love adores you
She does, she's thinking of you right now
I know...

The summer's coming...
I'll keep in touch so you're not alone
Then like the swallow, you'll fly away like birds have flown
So let me tell much I Love You
I'd make the songbirds sing... for you again...

Well now it's goodnight...
Sweet this letter...

Submited by

sexta-feira, fevereiro 4, 2011 - 19:42

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Membro desde: 10/29/2009
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