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Merry Christmas to you and happy New Year

Take me someday
To a place with snow
You can take me today
Are you ready let’s go
Be careful don’t fall down
Keep the feet on the floor
Playing like kids
Laughing like never before

God only knows
How I feel happy here
Bring warm clothes
Cause is cold out here
You don’t seem to care
Since we are near
Merry Christmas to you
And happy New Year

We make a snowman
And slip in the snow
Like a kid
That doesn’t want to grow
Throwing snow boles
Leave footprint in the snow
Now is almost night
But I don’t want to go

God only knows
How I feel happy here
Bring warm clothes
Cause is cold out here
You don’t seem to care
Since we are near
Merry Christmas to you and happy New Year

Submited by

sábado, fevereiro 5, 2011 - 09:27

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Tópico Título Respostas Views Last Postícone de ordenação Língua
Poesia/Dedicado Merry Christmas to you and happy New Year 0 1.114 02/05/2011 - 09:27 inglês
Fotos/ - 2135 0 1.836 11/23/2010 - 23:46 Português