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The petroglyphs of “I”

The petroglyphs of “I”

The morning dew
Sparkles as broken crystal
You approached to kiss it
Purified soul you are
My beloved Human

You endure the burn
While I blast
My petroglyphs
In the deepest layers
Of your quintessence and
In the abyss
Of its surface

The face of the “I” stands and
Immanent moonshine
Hardly a color as Neon
For your wide open eyes
Yet mildly absorbing
As soul does to another

Today I light the candle of the “I”
Fearless for loosing its shine
To burn your wick
To increase the light
So the darkness
Naively may ask

Who are you for God Sake?
Who are the fertile fireflies of Love?
While I swore on the potency of
The dark prince and
The harshness of the hell-fire

Our joint reply as smile
Shall bring the freshness of ambergris and
Cool all and bring joy
As to a mother after the birth
Of a newborn and
Invite all
We mean all visible
Semi visible and omni visible creatures
At the banquet with the Cornucopia,
At the solid diamond table

Submited by

segunda-feira, março 21, 2011 - 14:46

Poesia :

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imagem de Fahredin
Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 7 anos 32 semanas
Membro desde: 03/16/2011
Pontos: 409

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