Only sorrow

There's a thorn in my heart.
My heart is only sorrow,
I'm the child of loneliness,
You've gone away
I can't hear your voice.

There's poison in my veins,
blackening all my blood
weakening my breath.
I know I'm dying,
my soul contains only sorrow.

I wanted the happiness.
It refused to touch me,
I aimed your love, 
you hurt and left me.

All my being is only sorrow.
Only love could save me
from dying of despair
because my life is only sorrow.

Submited by

Martes, Marzo 26, 2013 - 18:33

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Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 48 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
Points: 2453

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