Black magic

Don't use black magic,
don't wake up strange forces
that you don't know!
You're provoking the evil,
you'll pay your price!

There are doors
that shouldn't be opened.
Some secrets mus
stay locked forever!

You may think 
that you're strong,
you may think that
you can control
these shadow forces.

but you'll never be ready,
dark forces are always too much
for someone who dares
to provoke them.

If you use black magic
to any evil purpose,
you'll never escape
from the consequences.

Submited by

Martes, Mayo 19, 2015 - 09:35

Poesia :

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Imagen de Atenéia
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 48 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
Points: 2453

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