Agathias Poems : Rhodanthe

Weeping and wakeful all the night I lie,
And with the dawn the grace of sleep is near,
But swallows flit about me with their cry,
And banish drowsihead and bring the tear.
Mine eyes must still be weeping, for the dear
Thought of Rhodanthe stirs in memory;
Ye chattering foes have done! it was not I
Who silenced Philomel: go, seek the sheer


Clefts of the hills, and wail for Itylus
Or clamour from the hoopoe's craggy nest,
But let sweet sleep an hour abide with us,
Perchance a dream may come, and we be blest,
A dream may make Rhodanthe piteous,
And bring us to that haven of her breast.

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Jueves, Abril 14, 2011 - 23:11

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Imagen de Agathias
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 49 semanas
Integró: 04/14/2011
Points: 51

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