Vision of Union

In the selfishness I've found the New:
Something I ever felt, but never knew
How to explain, even to myself...

But then, I found something else inside:
The grand Essence in wich every form slide
From to grow up, as a root.

So then I saw this Thing, this Aura, this Grand
Voltion in every little being, in every land.
And when you see the Whole as a sacred One,
You'll never really feel alone... And gone:
Because you see that you came from a place
There's never a way to cut this sacred lace.

And when I looked out of myself, it was clear:
In everything I do, in everything I touch,
In every little inner sympton of the abyss of Fear

It was screaming out, so then I could hear:
My stream is crawling to the Destiny, and i know,
That even when it ends to Me, will forever glow

That same Essence that I carried in this oneness
Because I'm part of something beyond me, I'll confess
That it take so long to me to understand it, but now
I know that it goes on, strong, ahead... And somehow
I don't even make it clear to others, because it
Is our Destiny, we're pieces always made to a perfect fit.

Submited by

Domingo, Abril 17, 2011 - 01:31

Poesia :

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André Alves

Imagen de André Alves
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 9 semanas
Integró: 02/10/2011
Points: 161

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