Brains affected by evil

Brains affected by evil

Irresponsible called scientists,
poisoned by your polluted world of madness.

You, who believe to be illustrious minds, you create
atomic bombs for the powerfullies sellers of death,
mentally sick occupying the dark buildings of power.

You, the energy lost in the nebula of negativity,
ramify your essences of bright light to get
out of the labyrinth of oblivion, to change
your destiny and work for the good of humanity.

Our blue planet is inhabited by conditioned brains
by the evil, that use their weapons to dictate law, blackmail,
destroy, kill, disfigure the bodies of the innocent and to pollute.

Open your ears, demons at the high offices and sellers of
weapons: "you are directed from the invisible energy of darkness”.

Abandon, or architects cursed by your actions,
the host of devils who direct you like puppets,
with the cunning and invisible threads of telepathic suggestion.

Reflect on bodies without legs, arms, eyes,
martyrs defaced by your weapons of suffering and death.

Meditate on the faults that marred for ever
your souls and the karma that will condemn
to expiate the same tragedy in the near future.

Awaken the good sleeping in your hearts and flood
the land of love, to redeem the evil and save your spirit
from the slavery of arrogance and suffering.

The inner peace is the only real fruit of love for the creation,
the only way that leads you to heal your evil mind.

You, the energy lost in the nebula of negativity,
ramify your essences of bright light to get
out of the labyrinth of oblivion, to change
your destiny and work for the good of humanity.




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Lunes, Mayo 16, 2011 - 15:51

Ministério da Poesia :

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

Imagen de Elisabetta Errani Emaldi
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 2 semanas
Integró: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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