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Amatitlán, Shirley Meléndez: Flor de Mayo 2012

<p style="text-align: center;"><a target="_self" href="*YosKrQ7F6ZMzi5gM89d65SuZpIX48di5aekbwreTrUXWzsphj159mxnewk5y*02UV16HO6z34UjK/2012_FlorMayo03.jpg"><img class="align-center" src="*YosKrQ7F6ZMzi5gM89d65SuZpIX48di5aekbwreTrUXWzsphj159mxnewk5y*02UV16HO6z34UjK/2012_FlorMayo03.jpg" width="336" /></a></p>

Foto por: Oscar Fajardo Gil

Sovereign 2012/13 "Shirley Melendez"

  Thou, First Flower, emblem
in my dream Amatitlán
your hair is curly
that lingers in your headset
After you're a gem
love your lip
heralds your reign
Shirley Melendez poem
Guatemala seizes
pepitera Party
You're light flare
Prejudice leave out
schoolgirl with laughter
I presume flattering
Have today is your victory
You, sovereign majesty
is the party that you sister
it completes the story ...
happy memory now
happy coming to your window,
that which filled Sultana
a Falls in memory.
Your dreams adjectival
Shirley Melendez medal
with words is derived

Eco flights shakes
Piped his song proud
That flutters calendar

Shirley Melendez
You, the first maiden
You note and melody
beyond the remote
Crowned leave mark
Amatitlán has star
we pay you homage
glory of poetry
today are you the most beautiful
Dawn flower stamen
Shirley Melendez, root
constellation venerated
that elegant look
Seas of blue eyes
as the lady of corn

Dr. Rafael Cruz-Mérida Lascano
"Man Corn" Guatemala, C.A.

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segunda-feira, maio 7, 2012 - 18:32

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Rafael Merida Cruz-Lacano

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 47 semanas 5 dias
Membro desde: 03/17/2011
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