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I can see a girl

At the otherside of this mirror,
I can see a girl, a lost little one,
that desperately wants to be heard.
This little girl is screaming restlessly,
praying for a little of love and freedom.

I'd like anyone could understand her,
I wish someone heard her
and asked her what
she needed the most.

This little girl asks me
to sing her a lullaby.
She wants to feel
someone cares about her.

My fingerprints touch the mirror,
I just want to reach her,
assure her everything is ok,
tell her she isn't alone,
we'll always stay together.

She lends me her hands,
she also wants to reach me.
She knows I want to reach her.
If she reaches me now,
we'll always stay together.

Submited by

quarta-feira, março 30, 2016 - 13:33

Poesia :

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Membro desde: 03/21/2011
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