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Ask The Mountains, In: Voices (Stina Nordenstam and Vangelis)

Ask the mountains


Don't come after
Don't come after
Don't come after
Don't come after
Don't come after
Please don't follow me along
When you read this I'll be gone
Ask the mountains
Springs and fountains
Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?
Ask the sun that lightens up the sky
When the night gives in, to tell you why
Ask the mountains
Wild woods, highlands
Ask the green in the woods and the trees

The cold breeze coming in from the sea
Springs and fountains
Ask the mountains
Springs and fountains
Ask the mountains
Springs and fountains
Ask the mountains
Springs and fountains
Ask the mountains
Ask the sun that lightens up the sky
When the night gives in, to tell you why
Tell the mountains
Springs and fountains
Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?
Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?

A música inspirada de Vangelis sob um cenário deslumbrante de imagens montanhosas do planeta.

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sexta-feira, fevereiro 4, 2011 - 18:46

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