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Aeschylus Poems : A Spectral Vision

Chorus from The Libation Bearers

A spectral vision clear
Thrills every hair with fear,
In haunted sleep,
Breathing of dire distress,
From innermost recess
Its watch doth keep,
Breaking with cry of fright
The still deep hush of night:
All through the queenly bower
Sharp cry was heard that hour,
And they to whom 'twas given
To read decrees of Heaven,
In dream o'ertrue,
By solemn pledges bound,
Declared that underground
The dead were wrathful found
'Gainst those that slew.

Submited by

quarta-feira, abril 13, 2011 - 21:34

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 13 anos 47 semanas
Membro desde: 04/13/2011
Pontos: 57

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