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Let Me Be

there's love at one side of the spectrum
there's hate at the other side
and then
in the middle
there's indifference

indifference, apathy
lack of anything

that's that in-between space

after we broke up
I drank too much at bars
getting too angry
getting too depressed
and now I want to live my life
and I swear, I want you to be no part of it

and it's not because
if I see you I'll lash out at you
and it's not because
I inherently
desperately want you back
and it's not because
I'm busy comparing you
to what I could have
it's because

I have better things to do

and you're in the way
because there is so much I could do
I could jump pout of an airplane
I could write a novel
I could make my first million in the Stock Market
well, it could happen
I could take the stage
I could take a shower
I could file my nails
I could fall asleep

I could do
whatever I want
and I want to make it clear
I'm finally free from you
and I mean that
in the physical sense
in the intellectual sense
in the molecular sense

I mean

I'm free of you

so please

get me out of your head

let me be

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quarta-feira, maio 4, 2011 - 13:16

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Última vez online: há 5 anos 41 semanas
Membro desde: 05/03/2011
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