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Culture Spawned in a Petri-dish

Television news provides
         background noise.
Tiger Woods is about to apologize
        and all the world is a stage
                in this age of instant
information & communication.

Reality has become a fusion
        of fact & fiction,
                    image & illusion,
                                 snippets & sound bites,
                    words & phrases
with truth found to be
         fair & balanced,
               but edited.

Propped up by
         adjectives & adverbs,
               spin & spun,
in the shards & scraps
the cutting room

It has been reported
        Icarus fell from the sky
landing in a waste land
        of extremes,
                 barren, lifeless,
                           dry & desolate,
Brittany or Paris or Lindsey
               are the headline stars tonight.

And who the Hell is Snooki!

It doesn’t matter
        celebrity dirty laundry is all the news
                we need to know
And that segues into:

Pluto is now a rogue
exiled from the community
                 of planets
and the Milky Way
                 tastes like

Monkey trials still go on
        as religion boils down
                 to the chicken
        or the egg,

Adam & Eve,
                 the Big Bang
the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

But they left out Lilith!

And climate change
         is a natural occurrence,
so keep on burning
         those fossil fuels.

I know it’s all
         lipstick on a pig
                  and human life comes
from the crown of creation,
         the Eye of God
        in the crotch
                   of a woman.

Submited by

sábado, maio 14, 2011 - 01:08

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 9 anos 20 semanas
Membro desde: 05/03/2011
Pontos: 936

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