If I Could Make My Heart Fly

If I could make my heart fly…
I could be near of you, my love,
And whisper to your heart
All the happiness that I have to give you.

If I could make my heart fly…
The anxiety would pass so far from me!….
And I would be in your arms…
And I’d get spill out all the love I have inside me…

Aw! If I could make my heart fly…
Never! Never I would need words like these…
Because just stareing your eyes would be enoug
To say how much I love you.

Dream of my heart, Beloved of my soul…
If I could make my heart fly…
I would be near of you forever…
I could follow you wherever you go…
And so the life would be an eternal song…

A beautiful song to my love.

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros
Niterói, February 9th 2008.

Submited by

Miércoles, Julio 27, 2011 - 01:27

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