Colors Of My Heart

The colors of my heart paint scenes,
Pictures of how will our future be.
Those colors are your freedom,
Your inspiration.
Those colors are the melodies
That your heart will sing.

The colors of my heart are the mirror,
Where you can see
Every corner of your own soul.
And my words are my heart’s wings
That will fly,
They will fly to be with you
Wherever you go.

The colors of my heart…
They’re painted with my tears
And the most beautiful picture,
The one I love most,
Is that one from that happy day,
When the only tears falling from my eyes
Are the ones of happiness
And everything
That will get out of my mouth
Are not words,
But just smiles.

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros
Itaboraí, July 31, 2011.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011 - 04:17

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