Dream With Me

I see a new world.
A world of peace and joy.
Where peoples are loved
And the children don’t cry.

I dream of that world,
Where the families are united,
And the faith is true
In the hearts touched by The Grace.

Can you see that new world?
It begins in you and me.
In our together effort: yours and mine.
Can you see?

I invite you to dream with me
Because the home is the first place,
There we give the first step
To build that new world
Based on hope, faith and love.

Dream with me.
And together we’ll see the dream realized
We’ll build a new world,
With a different reality
Where the truth and the justice
Will be finally recognized.

Clara Borges de Medeiros
Niteroi, April 4th, 2009

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Miércoles, Agosto 3, 2011 - 03:57

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