Counting Stars Over The Clouds

Tears fall from my eyes
And get blind my vision,
But I try to keep the hope
Counting stars over the clouds.

The world is grey and, sometimes,
I feel like my faith has gone…
And I try to keep my strenghts
Counting stars over the clouds…

Then I pray fervently and ask:
God, please! Don’t leave me!
So He says so tenderly:
Count stars over the clouds.

The clouds may cover your vision,
But the stars won’t stop shining throught them.
Even that is hard taking decisions
Their light will still guide you
And in My hands you’ll be always safe.

So when heart feels weak
And it seems your faith has gone…
Don’t give up! Never stop believing!
Count stars over the clouds.

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros
Itaboraí, January 1st, 2010

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - 01:03

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