
Like a slow and sad song
My heart beats so silent tonight
Even being warmed in someone’s embrace
Happiness is far away
If I can not hold you tigh.

The true love can not be changed
It can not disappear with time.
Life moves ahead
Seasons come and go…
But the choice will be forever there.

Reality calls.
And the only thing I can ask is:
Untill when will it last?
A month?
Several months?
A year?
The whole life?
Perhaps it won’t last even an hour.

So ephemeral…
So vain…

But I try it,
Because I’ve promised you I’d try to be happy.
And I’m doing it.
But tell me
How can I be happy
Missing a part of me?

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros
Itaboraí, November 12th, 2010.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - 01:11

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