Like the Clouds (Douglas Fagundes Murta)

Like the clouds
(Douglas Fagundes Murta)

I know there’s still poetry
And you can shine longer, together
Even distant
A last hug, a kiss
A last drink of remembrance

Know that my heart is like the clouds
I don’t get tired of singing
I don’t get tired of singing
Like the clouds

Today can be the day
Today, who knows
But nothing can change my voice
Nothing can hush my turn
Know that I still sleep with crossed arms
But I don’t hide with the injustices

Not even a goodbye can hold
My chance
Do you wanna hang out? Do you wanna drink?
Don’t waste my time
With your windy smile
Don’t vaunt the victory before the fireworks

Know that my heart is like the clouds
It doesn’t get tired of singing
It doesn’t get tired of singing
Like the clouds

Even feeling dizzy I walk firmly
I believe in the peace of heavens
And you? Lost with the keys, lost with the fingers…
You don’t even really know my name and you call me
You wanna live a dream and you didn’t turn off the computer
Know that my time is precious
And I’ve got a lot of luck

Well, move on with the truth of the one who loves
In the end there’s always a loser waiting for you
And it’s not going to be me.

Know that my heart is like the clouds
I don’t get tired of singing
It doesn’t get tired of singing
Like the clouds

Em português "Como as Nuvens" de Douglas Fagundes Murta
Tradução de Aline Garcia

Submited by

Martes, Septiembre 10, 2013 - 16:25

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Imagen de DouglasFagundesMurta
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 8 semanas 4 días
Integró: 08/24/2009
Points: 1208


Imagen de Maria Letra

Like the Clouds

It was with great pleasure that I read your beautiful poem. Very nice, indeed!
I wish you a great success.
Maria Letra

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