Midnight City.

  Walking guardian

with child
Saunter down a neon lit avenue
Making smoke glazed vacant eyes
Dripping tears on quivering lips

trying to speak
Caressing voltaic hazy

chromium wastelands

Little feet pressed

trying not to walk slowly
On a purple bleached pavement
Are marched along faster.
~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~
Distant siren calls across parameter
Lead exhaust slow putrid drip
Shroud silenced police car reverses
Hidden panther


~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~~
Stooped forward on skier arms
Drunk abusive

Staggers along

Acting out some zombie alien lunatic
With half blind homing pigeon

Pickled brain
Tries to grunt a way home

Only to collapse at his door
Oblivious to some stray dog
Who urinates over his back.
~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~
Chewing heavily on menthol gum
Three girls wait impatiently at a corner
Skin tight skirts grip their thighs
Like fresh Howschwitz lampshades.

Distant illuminated patrol car nears
As it passes menthol gum travels at high velocity
And spatters the patrol car windscreen.
~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~
Helicopters circle less popular areas
Pumping ray gun penetrating lights-
Searching alley and hedge row
For warm glowing dead owl criminals
Who snake about on their bellies
Until police dogs slowly eat them away.
~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~
On an electric powered push bike
Cruising slowly down a duel carriage way
A shift worker travelling home
After inserting 200,000 silicon chips
Into sonic computer equipment-
Is pulled by a patrol car and cautioned
For driving to slow.
~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~
As midnight ends and day begins
With trembling feet perched high
Birds rejoice on a daytime moon
On how we do things in this dark time
Smiling wide at our human kind
Longing for another midnight hour.

Submited by

Sábado, Enero 29, 2011 - 23:15

Poesia :

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Imagen de ski
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 45 semanas
Integró: 01/26/2011
Points: 422

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