
  Holding a war heroes Knife

close you Laugh in my ear

and enter my body through my side

moving upward to the medial pre-optic area

then steal my very soul

you hide it in the fridge

rumbling like a nuclear dialysis machine

along side some sausages

it waits solitary

changing the kitchen


After two weeks

with Solvang hound of Satan

you call again

slip gently through my side

snaking backwards

this time to the hippocampus and temporal lobe

again you steal my newly regained soul

then hide it behind the curtains

they swish forward

moving like torn dancing parachutes

or wind blown crinoline frocks

I staple them down

to the window frames.


This time after four days

you return with twenty four priests

through my naval this time

shooting like an express train

up to my inferior collicus

and steal my regained soul

this time hiding it in the wall cavity

staples fly from window frames

curtains become rigid like starched collars

and the walls recede backward

I press my ear to the wall

trying to listen for my soul

Begging for it to return


I press my eye against the flat surface

hoping to see it

all I see is people filled rooms.

It comes every night now

slowly slipping in

through my side

upwards to steal my soul. 


Submited by

Sunday, February 20, 2011 - 23:29

Poesia :

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ski's picture
Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 47 weeks ago
Joined: 01/26/2011
Points: 422


André Alves's picture


Your symbolism seems to me Rimbaudiam. And the structure is interesting. Beautiful, melancholy, and grand.

ski's picture


Rimbaudiam seems to be a great influence in many people, I highly appreciate your comments they warm my heart.

The structure in this poem became a metered romantic metaphor with feelings falling short to succubus. 

So happy you like.

Thank you!!


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