when i look into blue sky

When I look into blue sky,
I feel that I can fly.
Run away,
To another way!

I want you,
Close to me, you
When I cry, you
When I smile, you
When I think, you
When I study.

With you,
I think that I can live forever,
Like our love is forever.

But you lie to me,
You say things that couldn’t be true,
That I can’t ever think…
Never again I’ll fall

I never fall again,
I never cry again,
I feel that my sadness is without motive!

For someone that didn’t deserve…
First me, then the others…

Submited by

Martes, Marzo 8, 2011 - 18:26

Poesia :

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Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 10 años 48 semanas
Integró: 03/08/2011
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