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A splash of dark as a love (prosaic poem)

To sleep peacefully!
It is a profound statement, but with a body of an angel, the meaning is so slippery.

Sometimes we think that in the body of love, the time is dead!
How to sleep peacefully?
Poverty and wealth they infringes upon us both!

When we look behind us, lifeless body of those who gave the cause, we grab despair.

Silence ... yes, it is so dangerous ...
In it is a hollow, a cry, but you don't want to look at an end , sometimes it is delightful to disappear from the middle of things ... to be neutral, far of the man who is built of the world, far of the man in where you live!

At that solemn time, Kalp, thought of poverty, what the hell gives you her particular dress, or how much freedom,
how much happiness gather poverty ?
My language is so poor ... I can say that , the joy of generosity is striking!
Humiliation is a measure of generosity, you must become skillful player, otherwise people pass away!

Night hang among houses, and the shadows come into stone walls,
without awareness of the moment. Time fucking goes my friends, and you can not only remember.

Your sigh swept the night, Kalp!
Absorbed by the dark and with eyes open,
you really think that you absorb energy from the entire night,
and you know that you really belong to the night, you live peacemaker, why do you not say that the night is not death is not, it night, aware, reveals our hidden side! even if only our self!

I like the night, her eternity, when it embraces the ocean and God's light candles under
your image.
But I still think that I can not sleep in peace...

Fear is like a sexual act.
While we spoke ... twilight filled my dark room

Morning, a mulled wine, disturb us.

The landscape entering through the window is charming...
drowns the room,
objects emerge clearly, full color paintings, the lime walls undress a woman rejuvenating.
Look carefully in each object, and you'll see a splash of dark as a love ...

Submited by

terça-feira, julho 26, 2011 - 18:10

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 13 anos 4 semanas
Membro desde: 07/16/2011
Pontos: 239

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