
it was autumn and the rains dancing
I looked in the heart
it was
an empty house from which parents
have gone

we were so much together

It was cold and we were as two blind
a blind world
a house closed in walls
our soul

I sit down at the table
dreaming at bitter frost

I not write
my white eyes look at sunset

the time runs on the carpet
your black dress infuses the silence
death is just an excuse to love

in the shadow of life dead birds
night as a woman gave birth

we know only to dream
to keep silence
to leave an empty place
in the soul
anxiety splits our eyes

I touch your cold hands

under your breasts was night
on the night the moon
around her had a pink gown
pink sandals
under her soles darkness

I look in the aging child

and I not cry no more cry

stop dreaming poor man

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Saturday, July 16, 2011 - 11:01

Ministério da Poesia :

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