
I try

but I do not remember the streets
the girl's life
adding ethereal images
to drained years

at that told- unreal-time
as a shadow of a bird
on the retina

I try
but I do not remember the houses
the children's lives
adding ethereal pictures by years

dark window
I see it she is removed

in that time
elongated like a rust stain
I do not remember
I can not remember the winters
that angels
covering my small house
between their purple wings

I wait
to dress you up in memories

the silver light of your breasts
your bare feet
your young calves

your gestures so shy
dress you up
the day
as a candle lit on your knees

with every word I get older

when I opened the door
the ocean washed over me
your sand dress cover the beach
seagulls peck the horizon
lost among the words a story
the words ladder with every gesture
the heart a wreck
outlined in the green air
as a split apple

the mouth steam out of the window
breath of life
extended day on eyes
the empty loneliness wrapping us

I've changed I cried

in my deep wrinkles
the youth frost melting
cherry's blossom
recalling the spring

Submited by

Monday, July 18, 2011 - 18:31

Ministério da Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 24 weeks ago
Joined: 07/16/2011
Points: 239

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