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I Am

I Am

I am a spring’s morning light
I am the breeze that makes you dance
I am the princess of your dreams, your sweet fantasy…
In your heart I’ll live forever, and forever I’ll be.

I move forward by music and feelings
I’m your cristal-clean, sweet water fount.
I’m the one who lives in your thoughts
I am your star, your beloved, your girl.

I am, of your verses’, the inspiration,
I’m the one that fills up your world with colors.
I am, of your birds, the melody.
I am, of your garden, the flowers.

I am…

Of your sunset’s the sunshine,
I am the moon that your night delights.
My love is the joy that makes you live
And in my arms you shall find forever hope.

I am the one who lives in your thoughts
I’m your cristal-clean, sweet water fount.
I am your star, your beloved, your girl.
I move forward by feelings and music.

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros.
Written in Itaboraí, June 29th, 2002.
Translated in Itaboraí, February 17th, 2011.

Submited by

quarta-feira, agosto 3, 2011 - 02:25

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